Saturday, November 12, 2016

King and Queen

I'm very happy if Aleth, my daughter from another mother send me pictures of Queen, the dog that is now very much attached to her biological mom. In our home, King is the most hypher and serves as our security dog. He always barks at people, on cats and cars passing by. Though he destroys some of our christmas decorations, he is also a sweet little dog.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Old Family Pictures

Its soo sad that most of our pictures from the past are destroyed because of the flood in our place when we still lived in Manila. I thought everything was gone but i was surprised when my youngest sister send me scanned photos of my elder sister's wedding. Seeing those pictures made me in a flash a trip down memory lane.... my childhood life. On a happy note, i'm very glad to see my parents pictures again.

House Camera

Since we are always on vacation, it is very important to check our house from time to time, thanks to PLDT Fam Cam. As long as there is a Wifi available, i can see whats happening inside our home. We have security guards to manned the village but its much better to add some safety precautions.

Proud Lola

My grandaughter Jaimee made a perfect scores again 10/11 in her second quarterly examinations.... sooo proud of you Mimi, keep up the good work apo.
Because of the high scores on her 2nd quarter test, she got the highest honors.
My other grandchildren Lucky and Leila also performed well in the second quarter

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Remembering our Loved Ones

In two days is All Saints Day and this is the day we remember our departed loved ones. For me, i always visit the grave of my mother in advance after doing our yearly outreach at Mary Mother of Mercy Home for the Elderly and Abandoned which is located nearby. Everyday i pray the rosary for them and i know they are also guiding us from afar.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

School Break

My grandchildren are very happy because of their school break. I'm proud of my daughter for sacrificing her career just to be with her two children in their formative years. She is very good in instilling discipline and see to it that balance is applied between play and study.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Toys R Us Private Sale

Yesterday the Toys R Us store in Nuvali solenad had a 6-hour private sale exclusively for BPI cardholders and with Robinsons Rewards cards. As early as 10 in the morning, customers are already lining up the store. I bought some toys for my grandkids and there are really items that are marked down, a real treat for practical shoppers.