Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Grandsons

I can't believe that i already have grown up grandsons. Argie, Kim and Lucky grew up together and they maintained the closeness even if they are living very far from each other. My eldest grandson Argie celebrated his birthday and the brace on his teeth is probably the birthday gift from his parents.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Mimi's Achievement

My grandaughter Jamie Antonie made us proud again. She got the highest honors award, eager beaver and perfect attendance in the class. Hopefully she can maintain her good standings till next year.

Hailey's Outfit of the Day

At an early age, Hailey Jade my grandaughter is just like a little fashionista .....

Friday, September 9, 2016

Kit's First Day of School

I miss my grandsons in Canada but they are now much better there together with their mom. Time flies so fast that they are already five months there and partly adjusted to the canadian way of life. They have a september class opening and kitkit has to use a service bus going to and from the school. On the first day, he did cried because he is very much used that my daughter is always around for him. In due time, he will be used to it and will become independent.

King's Hobby

Our kingking loved to watch TV programs in the afternoon and just like a human being after watching he fell asleep.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Meet the New Queen

I'm very happy that one of my royal puppy has a loving and caring family. She is well loved by the Cruz clan treating her just like a spoiled kid. They also bring her on an out of town trip showering her all the love and attention... and Queen is reciprocating it. She loved to be cuddled, hug and always wanted the warm affection that she got from her family.

Mimi's Almost Perfect Scores

My intelligent grandaughter has just finished her periodical examination and i was just surprised that with the perfect scores she got, the rating is just 92 percent instead of 100. I have learned from my daughter that it is the new grading system of the Department of Education based on the ceiling grade on overall students. Anyway, whatever that means, i'm just being a proud lola here.