Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mother and Son

They both have the same color shades but very opposite in character, thats the mother and son tandem, Chay and King.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

My Doggies

As a mom and granny, i'm very used to kids mess scenario where their toys are all around the house. Now its different, the toys of king and chays are scattered in the house as well. They are just like kids playing, running and fighting most of the time. They are the spices in our boring life here in the house.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Argie Neil

Time flies really sooo fast that my eldest grandson is now grown up. My son Anthony and his family is now based in Cabanatuan and though they lived hundred miles apart, the facebook brings us closer. Though we don't see each other more often because of the distance, i can see their activities and development through the social media.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hailey's 4th Birthday

My beautiful grandaughter celebrated her 4th birthday in Cabanatuan city. Though we're hundreds kilometers apart, my son and his wife always share any achievements/birthdays/activities through the social media.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Finding Kingking

Thanked God i found king when he was able to get out of our kitchen door. I didnt notice that he is not inside the house until the postman came and delivered a letter. I heard a bark in the street and it seems familiar. Voila, its King, he probably just outside the house waiting for somebody to noticed him. Now he's back playing hide and seek with his mother.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Our prince was tested positive for parvovirus, a contagious viral illness that affects dog. Its good that Prince sickness was detected earlier but still he was monitored in the veterinaly clinic for two days.

Lions Recognition

I am very happy that the Calamba Host Lions club recognized my participation in some of the events. With the immediate past president Lion Marvie Robles, i would say that she is one of the best during her term as Lions President. By the way our new President is Atty. Geranndie Agonos and he is good as well because he was able to recruit 14 new members to our club.