Monday, May 9, 2016

Cousins in Canada

Let the pictures speaks for themselves how my daughter Rose belle, Isko, grandsons, niece marivic with daughter danielle celebrated mother's day in Edmonton. They were also joined by close friend Mabelle and her daughter Tyrese....

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Happy Mom's Day

Its mother's day once again and its time giving tributes to all moms who gave their life and love to their children...

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Little Royal Doggies

Our royal puppies visited again the Village Vet for their immunization and check up. They are my little cuties and a stress reliever.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Grandkids in Canada

My grandsons Kim and Kieth seems to be adjusting pretty well in their new environment in canada. They are now attending schools and already explored some kiddy attractions in calgary.

Little Doggies

Our royal puppies are now small doggies and since they are not exposed outside, they are afraid to come closer to other people. They also just play and fight together with their mommy chay.

Thirdy@8 Months

Time flies very fast that our cutie patootie is now 8 months old....

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Royal Siblings

A month already passed and our other royal puppy Prince is happy in his new home. He lives with his father Potchie and almost everyday Dirk checked on him on his way to the swimming pool.
by the way the other siblings King and Queenie is also hard to control because of their hypher behavior