Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Paz' Visits

My brother in law Joey who is working at Stanford University Hospital in California is here for his annual vacation. They visited us yesterday and our furry housemate charing is very happy to see her Lola Sexy and Lolo Joey.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dirk's New Haircut

For the past days i'm convincing Dirk to have a haircut. With his condition and limited kind of thinking, he just wanted to be like his brother who has a long hair. Probably he realized that long hair is not for him so after lunch at shakeys he go to the barber shop to have a haircut. I'm doing my groceries at Southsupermarket and when i returned at shakeys he's no longer there. He is sometimes like that doing a spontaneous decision.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Picture of the Day

Chay's favorite spot is in front of electric fan and thats her way of beating the warm weather....

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Astrid in Dubai

Thank God my daughter found a job in Qatar, its a new journey for her and the first step to realizing her dreams. But before the work, she needs to exit from qatar and dubai is just nearby. For me, Dubai is one of the must-see places because of its modern development and nice shopping centers. Astrid fulfilled one in her bucket list seeing the highest building in the world, The Burj Al Khalifa. To you my daughter, just wishing you all the best in the new phase of your life and always be thankful and pray to our Lord for all the blessings. Also be grateful to your friends especially Aleth, your housemates, HS friends and other you met on your UAE life.
By the way, because of Astrid's absence here, Buddy played a doting Tita to my grandkids. Thanks Budz for always being there for the family.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bonding with Family

My grandaughter Mimi and Buddy visited us at home during the easter season. I'm very happy to see members of my family though we were not able to bond fully because of my sickness. Anyway, just to see their presence around the house is enough for me and Dirk.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter !!!

The resurrection gives our life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what the circumstances are ...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Its Summer

My grandkids way of beating the summer heat .....