Friday, April 18, 2014

Shopwise Ads

I still remember when we're still living in Germany, i always look forward for the new printed store ads especially their latest sale items. Now that we're based here in the Philippines, its the same feeling for shopwise ads. There's some stuff that are really cheap and i always take advantage of their buy 1 take 1 promos.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wednesday with Pam and James

We met James thru her girlfriend Pam. He lives in Canada and its his first time to visit the Philippines but he knows very much our culture because his stepmom is a Filipina. We played bowling at The Mills and he is a very good player. I also toured them around southforbes for he is also planning to live here in the future.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Daughters

sisters bonding .....

Its Summer and Selfie Time

The latest trend in the social media nowadays is the selfie, a type of self portrait taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. My youngest grandson Jarred likes this "selfie" thing very much with my daughter. And everyday its sooo warm that most of the people including my family are heading to the pool for refreshing feeling.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stranded Doggie

Chachay is our shitzu which really makes us happy nowadays. She is sooo sweet, loving and very charming. The other day, she saw a cat in our terrace and since then she wants to chase her enemy. The problem is she knows how to go upstairs but cannot go down.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Photo of the Week

Priceless moment of Mimi and Lolo Dirk

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Welcome Summer

Its officially summer here in the Philippines, time to pack our bags and go to different summer getaways. We already did go to a beach in Batangas a week ago and we're still thinking of another beach adventure in the days to come. At the moment, to relieve ourselves of hot feeling, we drink a lot of water, just stay at home and do our activities once the sun is gone.