Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stranded Doggie

Chachay is our shitzu which really makes us happy nowadays. She is sooo sweet, loving and very charming. The other day, she saw a cat in our terrace and since then she wants to chase her enemy. The problem is she knows how to go upstairs but cannot go down.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Photo of the Week

Priceless moment of Mimi and Lolo Dirk

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Welcome Summer

Its officially summer here in the Philippines, time to pack our bags and go to different summer getaways. We already did go to a beach in Batangas a week ago and we're still thinking of another beach adventure in the days to come. At the moment, to relieve ourselves of hot feeling, we drink a lot of water, just stay at home and do our activities once the sun is gone.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Earth Hour and Tree Planting

The southforbes homeowners and kids joined the earth hour and tree planting activity last march 29. Iconic landmarks and other cities here and abroad went dark for one hour to showcase their commitment to protecting the planet for this year’s Earth Hour. The SFV theme for the tree planting activity is seeds today...fruits tomorrow and will surely benefits the kids of tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fresh Flowers

Flowers livens and brightens up our day. Last month i started putting fresh flowers on our dining table and somehow it gives a nice feeling. Dirk liked it very much and it boost his spirit seeing those lovely creatures from mother nature.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Southforbes Restaurant

We are lucky to have one restaurant cum grocery in our subdivision. Its a great help because when we ran out of something like condiments and if we are lazy to cook, they are just one text away.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Peter's 4-day Visit

Peter and dirk are colleague before at Markant in Germany. They are best of friends and know each other for decades. He did visited us for 4 days and Dirk was very happy to bond with him again. Its so sad that his visit ends today and we saw him off at the airport. Hopefeully his plan to visit again in two years will push through.