Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Last sunday, my grandson Jarred celebrated his first birthday at McDonalds Southwoods. He is the youngest child of my daughter Arianne and his birthday celebration also served as bonding to the whole family. The kids liked very much the foods, parlor games, the give aways and of course the mascot.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Tupig is almost similar to suman, only that is made from rice flour and coconut strips then grilled in hot charcoal. It is another popular Filipino delicacy and pasalubong from northern part of Luzon specially in Ilocos and Pangasinan Region. This morning, I was surprised when i saw Tupig in our kitchen counter but learned later on that it came from one of Maureen's IBM colleague who spent holiday in Pangasinan. Actually its my favorite and really taste good.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Celebrations of my Family

My family also celebrated the new year with high hopes and a brighter 2014.

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Greetings

May our New year be..... a new year that brings, luck, prosperity, good health and happiness. We should also thank God everyday, face all our challenges with courage and confidence, to spread love and affection to our loved ones and lead a life of charity and success. Happy New Year everyone !!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Grandchildren

How time flies very fast and i already have 12 grandkids from five of my children. They all call me MamaLola, a combination of mom and oma. They live 30 minutes away from us, but i am updated with all their activities. Before i just buy any gifts for them now they have their own wish list.

Chay's Christmas Outfit

My youngest sister gifted Cha-cha our shitzhu a christmas outfit and she really looks nice in it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Lunch out and Bowling

Wednesday is our bowling day and before playing we decided to have lunch first at Kingbee, a chinese restaurant near Paseo. In fairness their foods taste great and the price is also reasonable. At The Mills bowling lanes, we have a friendly competition again and we enjoyed it a lot.