Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SFV Committee Meeting

Our first meeting in preparation for christmas was held yesterday at Lim's residence. We discussed and planned about decorating the village, the clubhouse and the christmas programs.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Visiting my Mother's Grave

Its going to be All Saints Day this week and to avoid the chaos in the cemetery on that day, we visited earlier the grave of my mother at Everlasting Memorial Park. I know she's very happy in heaven watching us and guiding us in our everyday lives. To you Nay, we love you very much and you will remain in our hearts forever.

We are Family

Its a rare occasion that we are photographed together with my kids father and his family. Although we already have our own lives, we still dont stop to be parents to our children and maintains respect for each other. My kids are very lucky to have a step mom and dad who accept them with open arms.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Busy Thursday

Its quite busy today starting my day preparing the loot bags for our yearly trick or treat, salon visit for Dirk's haircut, bowling at The Mills and decorating the multipurpose for tomorrow's back to back movie showing with SFV kids.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shopwise Store

Santa Rosa is also known as the Lion city of the south and lined up as one of the commercial and information technology hub. It is also the makati of the south in terms of economic activities and the recent addition is the newly opened Shopwise store near Paseo. Its not yet fully operational but we were able to shopped some of our household needs.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Christmas Feeling

Christmas is just around the corner and our lovable shitzu is our model for our new decorations this year.

Lunch out with Family

Its really a great feeling to be have lunchout with family members once in a while. Though i live separately from my children, our lines of communications are open and we always connect. Thanks to the new technologies i'm just a phone call or text away.