Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pampering Day for Dirk

There's a newly opened spa in our area and Dirk tried it. Its a little bit expensive compare to others but Dirk said the service is good and its sooo relaxing.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Committee Meeting

Yesterday, we held our meeting at the function room of the villas where we talked about the upcoming events for the community. We discussed this over a very sumptuous brunch which my co-members did bring. It was a productive meeting and hopefully we can raise more funds for the improvement of our subdivision.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cha-Cha Make Over

Every three months our lovable schitzuh has to visit a grooming center for haircut, ear cleaning, toothbrushing and removing her long nails. I like it more her short hair but Dirk opposed to it, but its for her own good.

Monday, September 30, 2013


We call our small dog different names, cha-cha, chay, chararat or charing and she is very much used to it. Dirk loved her very much and he is very happy playing with her. Chay also loved kids and last night i caught her watching a television program for children.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Toilet Talks

Our friend celebrated his birthday in one of the luxury buffet restaurant in Manila and when i go to their toilet, i was surprised that there are some mini vesions for kids. I find it good and practical for small children.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekend Visitors

While Odette, the super typhoon is strongly hitting affected areas including our place, my two sisters and a cousin still visited us at home. No amount of strong winds and rains did stop them from visiting Dirk and bring some presents. We're a closely knit family and we always find time to meet and bond.

SFV Ladies@ Starbucks

Last night we finalize the details of our very first Annual Family fun run at Southforbes. Over coffee, tea, frafucchino and cakes, we talked about individual assignments, programs and other matters. We're doing this to establish unity and camaraderie among community members and friends.