Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Busy Weekend

Its indeed a productive weekend starting from a shopping trip to SM Santa Rosa with friends to take advantage of the two-day SALE. We bought some stuff for the house and i'm starting to shop for christmas presents for family members and friends. My kids and grandkids also came to our house for some bonding moments and my two sisters together with our family friends also came over and have dinner with them.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Techno Kids

Kids nowadays are very much different, gone are the days that they play with their toys, dolls and others. Children become homebody because of the new technologies like computers, pc tablets, cellphones, etc. My own grandkids are no excemption and at an early age, they are already showing interests on the modern gadgets. There are advantages and disadvantages on this, but modern day kids has to go with the flow.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baby Tricia's Baptismal

Yesterday, the beautiful daughter of Grace and Mark received the sacrament of baptism at St. Benedict Church. There is a typhoon but the rain stops during the ceremony. It was more of family affair and i can see the happiness on the proud parents because baby Tricia is their princess, the only girl among their brood of five.

Puto Bumbong and Bibingka

In our place in San Pedro, we don't need to wait for christmas for our favorite puto bumbong and bibingka because its available all year round.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kiefer Jhon's Baptismal

Yesterday, the second son of my niece was baptized at San Pedro Apostol church in Laguna. It was a sort of family reunion and i'm very happy to bond with my family and relatives.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Dirk always ordered Belly Buster pizza at Shakeys everyday. He liked it very much and it seems that the day is not complete without eating pizza.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Donuts and Pies

Everytime my adoptive daughters came to visit us, they always bring some foods to share, either donuts which is Dirk's favorite or other sweets. My daughter Astrid also did bring some delicacies from Davao where they spend three days of rest and recreation.