Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Everyday Companions

The new gadgets really introduced great time saving advantages and makes our life more easier. In this year of new technologies, everywhere i go, kids and big kids plays with their ipad, iphone, tablets, cellphones or any other gadgets. I go with the flow and now i can't leave the house without my trusted buddies.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I'm not a chocolate lover nor that i have a sweet tooth, but during our meeting at the garden of one of my SFV friends, she served the chocolate pictured below. It taste good that i bought one as well at Säntis and Dirk loved the taste too, no doubt, it comes from Europe.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dirk's New Haircut

For the past days, i'm suggesting to Dirk to have a haircut but his answer is always a big No. But yesterday, i asked him again and he readily said Yes. Now he looked more handsome than before.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Helping Hands

One of the good things i like here in the Philippines is that we always have a ready helping hands to help us doing the never ending household chores, repairs and maintenance. For a small fee and foods for the workers, they will give their best to do whatever task given to them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Most Popular Country in the World

I considered Germany as my second home and i was very happy when i read an article that it is the most popular country in the world. Here is the article-- Germany is the most popular country in the world despite well-publicised protests against its insistence on austerity measures within the European Union, an annual poll for the BBC World Service revealed on Thursday. More than 26,000 people from around the world were asked to rate 16 countries on whether their global influence was "mainly positive" or "mainly negative". Some 59 percent of those polled rated Germany as having a positive influence, while at the other end of the spectrum, Iran came last with only 15 percent looking upon it favourably. Even in Spain, which is suffering from stringent austerity measures due to a German-led financial rescue package, 68 percent said they felt Germany had "a mainly positive influence in the world". Respondents in Greece, which has seen anti-German protests depicting Chancellor Angela Merkel as a Nazi for her insistence on fiscal belt-tightening, gave it the worst rating with 52 percent saying it was a bad influence. Germany displaced Japan at the top of the table, with the Asian giant's popularity falling from 58 percent last year to 51 percent. Canada and Britain scored second and third, both with 55 percent positive ratings, while Pakistan and North Korea completed the bottom three.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Santacruzan 2013

Last year, my family host the santacruzan and this year its the Dela Cruz family's turns. My son and some of my grandchildren joined the Flores de Mayo, a popular religious festival held in many towns and cities throughout the Philippines as the highlight of the month-long celebration during the month of May. It is usually celebrated with a parade of decorated floats and elaborately dressed participants, representing various aspects of the Virgin Mary and other figures.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Stress-Free Dining

Everyday we have lunch in the restaurant, either Shakeys, Racks, Pancake house, etc and for our dinner, we always ordered foods at Dine@Southforbes restaurant near our house. For me, its more practical than cooking , its saves all the hassles, electricity and the effort.