Friday, October 5, 2012

Week One in the Philippines

We have done a lot of activities a week after arriving here in the Philippines. We started having lunch again at our favorite restaurants and some window shopping on newly opened stores in Paseo. Yesterday, we also visited a friend's property in Canyon Woods in Tagaytay where he is planning to build his dream house overlooking the Taal Lake. It was such a wonderful scenery but i cannot find myself living close to nature, i am more of a city girl.
Visiting a friend's property at Canyon Woods
By the way Dirk started using our improvised home sauna for his continued weight loss program

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Perfect Sunday

Its our third day here in the Philippines and i started my sunday attending mass at St. Benedict Church. I really miss doing my religious duties in Germany and i can only do it here but of course i never fail to pray the rosary everyday. We then drive to Festival Mall in Alabang to shop for our ventilator at Robinsons and to browse around the shopping center. We also shopped for our foods at South supermarket near our place before calling it a day.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our New Home in Germany

Since last year we dont have anymore a permanent home because when we're in Germany we live in different vacation houses. Its really very hard for us to carry around our personal stuff and sometimes we have problems with our bookings so we need to move in 3 vacation houses in just a month. Now, gone are the days of being a "tourist" and we now have a place we can called our own. Its just a small apartment but its soooo cozy, just enough for us to live conveniently. Its near the shopping centers, restaurants and train station. Now i'm back to being a city girl again and i really love our new HOME.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pictures of Interests

My grandson, Baby Andrei
Baby Hailey
Janine's pet, Amy
Italian Day in Offenburg

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Louis and Sebastian Baptismal

Baptism is the first sacrament of our Christian Life and it is an important event to our very own journeys. Last saturday cousins Louis and Sebastian, sons of Divina and Janice had their joint baptismal celebration which was attended by their friends and relatives. It is also the late birthday party for Jessica or Jessy, the first born of Divina. I'm very happy to see my friends from wayback and of course my Facebook pals.
We did also drive to Windschläg for the annual pumpkin festival and as you notice i only have few pictures because the battery of my camera is already empty.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Last Days of Summer

Me and my friends were just taking advantage of the nice summer weather which is going to end soon and it will be hello Fall or herbst here in Germany. The school kids also return to school yesterday after almost two months of summer vacation. Part of summer adventure is riding in a blimp, looked like a big cigar almost 100 meter long and its filled with helium gas. In germany its called Zeppelin and it travels around our area and the cost... hold your breath... a whooping 175 euro per person for 30 minutes and 350 euro for one hour.