Friday, March 30, 2012


Though i'm not eating vegetables, i was fascinated by the color of the eggplants in one of the vegetable store in Offenburg. My friends love it very much and most of the time i was asked to cook eggplant omelet for them.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cooking/Blogging Mode

I'm not feeling well for the past days because of my tonsilitis and blisters on my tongue. After our köln trip i'm just staying at home and do what i like best.. blogging and cooking. For the first time, i cooked chicken tinola with sayote for me and spaghetti carbonarra for dirk. I also have time to update my blogs which only means cool mom is @ Home.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Köln Cathedral

The magnificent Cologne Cathedral hovers above the roofs, houses, buildings and chimneys of the city. It can be seen nearly in every point and places elsewhere around Köln. It is the point of orientation and the pride of the inhabitants of the city. Dirk was born here and every year we make it a point to visit his family. Our trip is not complete without visiting the famous church where millions of tourists around the world flocked every year. It is one of the most stunning, beautiful and most famous landmark in all of Germany and also near the cathedral are hundreds of shops and restaurants to choose from.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daph's Achievement

Time really runs so fast and its already the end of schoolyear in the Philippines. Summer/school vacation started and for a while its also a pause on the parents pocket. But comes June, parents woes started again because of the tuition fees and other school expenses. By the way, i just wanted to share how proud i am with the achievement of my grandaughter Daph. Out of 32 students, she landed fourth on the honor roll. Of course with her hardship she got a reward from her mom.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Summer Getaway

My family and their friends headed to our place in southforbes to beat the scorching summer heat last wednesday. My grandchildren loves the pool so much that they really have lots of fun. Let the picture speaks for themselves.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our New Toy

After Ipad, Dirk bought an Iphone, the smaller the better and lighter.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Changing Weather

In the early morning

In the afternoon