Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daph's Achievement

Time really runs so fast and its already the end of schoolyear in the Philippines. Summer/school vacation started and for a while its also a pause on the parents pocket. But comes June, parents woes started again because of the tuition fees and other school expenses. By the way, i just wanted to share how proud i am with the achievement of my grandaughter Daph. Out of 32 students, she landed fourth on the honor roll. Of course with her hardship she got a reward from her mom.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Summer Getaway

My family and their friends headed to our place in southforbes to beat the scorching summer heat last wednesday. My grandchildren loves the pool so much that they really have lots of fun. Let the picture speaks for themselves.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our New Toy

After Ipad, Dirk bought an Iphone, the smaller the better and lighter.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Changing Weather

In the early morning

In the afternoon

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weekend Visitors

Janine, the only daughter of Dirk visited us during the weekend accompanied by her boyfriend. Dirk was very happy to see Janine who is going to attend school near our place this coming schoolyear.

The three dogs below are our hotel guests and though they have the same breed they are not related to each other and came from three countries, Italy, Netherland and Germany

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Winter is Back

We're experiencing a below freezing temperature again and its soooo cold. Every morning we have to deal with ice-coated Pangga(name of my car)and its really hard to drive. I miss the Philippine weather and my summer clothes, but we also need to stay here to work.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Driving Challenge

Living in a country where there is winter is very hard especially when it comes to driving. In the Philippines, the hard part of driving is when there is a strong typhoon and the roads are flooded. Here, i have experienced driving in a snowy, foggy, slippery and stormy weather. Thanks God, my car Pangga is ever dependable on all driving obstacles.