Monday, October 10, 2011

Kieth's 1st Birthday Celebration

Kitkit, my youngest grandson celebrated his first birthday in our clubhouse. The kids enjoyed very much the parlor games organized by the two clowns, the photo booth and the face painting.Prayers helped a lot because it was very cloudy and rainy that day but it stopped during the celebration. The kids had lots of fun not only on the party but in the swimming pool as well.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Spiritual Side

In every country that we visited, we never fail to visit a church and light a candle. I'm very happy that my partner in life is very supportive of my religious beliefs. Though i'm not that active in any church activities but i do pray the rosary everyday and attend sunday masses. Prayer is what we need at all times and thats what keeps me going as well.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stormy Birthday and Travel

My namesake, Daphne Antonette celebrated her 7th birthday yesterday amidst typhoon Quiel. Its good that the third floor of our San Pedro house is big enough to accommodate her guests. There's a short program like the 7 roses and candles given by her cousins and girlfriends. Family members also gave an inspiring words and the birthday girl is really very very happy on her memorable day.

Pedring is one of the strongest typhoon that hit our country this year. But that doesnt stop my two sons to visit one of the world's nice beach, Boracay.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Pancake House

Dirk missed very much our Philippine pancakes that we decided to have lunch there yesterday. As always, their pancakes is out of the world delicious and the crispy pork vienna that i ordered. I was not able to consume it all and have the rest for dinner.

By the way, some of our balikbayan boxes arrived yesterday. Its mostly our kitchen junks and old household items that can be useful here.

Water Filters

Just wanted to share to you pictures of our water filters that Dirk changed yesterday. That shows that water here are really not safe nor hygienic, look at the brown dirt that the filters accumulated. Water is life so its much better to play safe than sorry.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Its Fitness Time

Since we arrived here barely a week ago, we already have two consecutive aerobic sessions with my neighbor friends. There are lots of tempting foods here that i need to watch my weight. Its also not the aero sessions but the bonding time with my wonderful friends.