Saturday, September 24, 2011

The wait and wait in Kuwait

Our agony of waiting started when they announced that our flight to Kuwait will be delayed and we're going to stop in Rome to pick up some passengers. Then they announced that we're not going to stop in Rome anymore and will fly directly to Kuwait but first the plane has to tank because the fuel is not enough. In Kuwait, we're surprised that the flight to Manila was re-schedule the next day at 8 am and in fairness they provided an overnight stay at airport hotel with dinner and breakfast. They said that the pick up time in the hotel going to airport will be at 6 am but the bus came to pick the passengers at 7:20. So instead of 8 am flight we left Kuwait at 9 something and arrived in Bangkok in the evening. Thanks God finally we arrived at dawn in Manila today and happy to be back with my family and our home sweet home.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our New Ipad

Gadgets have become a major part of our day to day life. With our new Apple Ipad, we find it very useful, entertaining, engaging and also a better e-book reading device. Gone are the days where we carry heavy laptops during our travel, now its more lighter and even a cure for boredom when there's heavy traffic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our short Köln/Bonn Trip

I already mentioned in my other blog that we visited Mutti in Bonn and attended the necrological service of Tante Krista in Köln. It was a sad day for the family during the service but on the lighter side, we're happy that Mutti is recovering fast from her knee replacement operation. Everytime we're there we always find time to visit Papi's grave. Its a short trip but what is important is the bonding moments of the Bachmann and Zillich family.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Photos

Refreshing moments with friends at Palazzo

our new place

pumpkin festival announcement

our grilled ribs for breakfast

on the baking mode (banana cake)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cambridge University

According to Wikipedia, The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, England. It is the second-oldest university in both the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world, and the seventh-oldest globally. It is the best and the biggest university in the world with 31 colleges, made up of over 150 departments and has more than 100 libraries. Upon arrival in UK last tuesday, our friends, Bryan&Lucy and Olive&Norman, guided us to this prestigious university. I was sooo amazed of this educational institution particularly the historic buildings and the modern development around the university campus.