Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Shopping

The city of Offenburg was very busy yesterday because of the last minute easter shoppers. Stores and supermarkets will be closed today, easter sunday and monday. So its going to be a long weekend and this is a great time for family and friends gatherings. Of course its very important to shopped for easter gifts and foods to be prepared ahead of time. If you wait until the very last minute you will find yourself rushing around to get things that you had forgotten about. To make the easter holiday go as smoothly as possible, prepare a shopping list and to-do list.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Waldkirch Visit

We've just returned from our small trip to Waldkirch near Freiburg. We visited my niece Mary Ann who arrived from Philippines two weeks ago. She is the third daughter of my only brother and she's now performing her dual role as a wife and a german language student.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quiet Moment

Pssssh, my grandchildren are having their power nap, so please keep quiet....zzzzzz

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Family Visitors

Today, my sister and my brother-in-law Thomas came for a visit. We discussed mostly about our family life and future plans. It was just a short visit but we're happy that they exerted effort for some family time.

My brother-in-law was featured in China News with his chinese counterparts

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Strange Weather

The other day the weather is just sooo perfect but today as if winter returns. I even blog about that the summer came too soon in spring. Something is really wrong in this world right now. Many people claim its the global warming and the frequent shifts due to climate change are already disrupting people's lives. The recent strange weather do us more harm than good, is it the effect of human consequences??? Hopefully the weather evens out and everybody will enjoy the coming summer.

Just the other day, i was stunned of the loud noise in our roof because of the sudden hagel rain. It becomes round ice pellets that bounce when it hit the roof and the ground.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Its Grill Time

It was a warm day and Elena invited us again for some grill time in their big terrace. The sisters tandem Joy and Madam Jo prepared vegetable salads while I'm just an assistant. Joy grilled some meat and sausages while her sister prepared the table. And what is cool mom an2nette doing... well being a kid at heart, she's busy watching Coraline in 3 dimension with Vanessa and Kati.

By the way we have breakfast again at Rammersweier Hof with my close friends. I also took photos of the easter decorations and maybe you will get some ideas.

The onions and red chilli hanging on the kitchen door also caught my eyes

Friday, April 8, 2011


I understand the hard battle for economic survival many people around the world are facing right now. If i can only save our planet from its numerous problems- the global economic crisis, climate change, terrorism, wars, energy depletion, poverty, hunger and other problems & disasters looming in the horizon, i will do so. In this world, survival is the name of the game, reality has to be faced and some hard choices are to be made.