Thursday, January 27, 2011

Point of View

Because of the security threat haunting public places, the Nuvali administrator deployed security personnel with their K-9 dog to protect the people. With the series of bombings not only in our country, it seems that there's really no more safe place on earth, but of course in this difficult times, public vigilance and PRAYERS helps a lot,

Do you think 10 meters distance from the driving school car works here in the Philippines???

I'm also wondering what happened to other aero members, it seems that they are all busy because of the low number of attendees.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Thanks to Imee for her effort in making the compilation pictures of SF friends and events.

Family and .... Extended Families

Kim and Keith, my grandsons

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Being a Kid Again

On the way to attend Julian's seventh birthday at the Fun Ranch in Alabang, we first shopped for our bread need at Bread Talk. During weekends like this, i enjoyed observing families bonding and playing with their children. At Julian's transformer theme party, i loved looking at kids playing, running, dancing and i have a feeling that i'm a kid again for a moment. I enjoyed the parlor games and the magic show at the party and for once, the cool mom becomes a cool kid.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Leila's First Birthday

Today, my grandaughter Leila Antonella celebrated her first birthday in our San Pedro House. I am in a granny/mommy mode today for i prepared and cooked most of the foods for the party. Its a nice feeling to be a part of my grandaughter's milestone and to be with my family in this important occasion.

A Day in Paradise

We spend our thursday at Peninsula de Punta Fuego, an exclusive tropical jewel situated at Nasugbu, Batangas. It is composed of high-end residential beach front properties, beach club, golf course and a country club. A very good friend and neighbor at Southforbes, Jim and Yna Haskett invited us to spend the day at the paradise. Their dream house will be finished soon and hopefully in time for their wedding anniversary.

The place is ideal for swimming and golf playing

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Busy Day

Meeting the contractors for a future house project of a friend

Dirk installing the new cable connection

Checking the water refilling station machine and supports