Saturday, December 18, 2010

Family Visit

Because of the wedding of my nephew, i stayed overnight at my youngest sister's house. And when Dirk and Mutti picked me up this morning, we visited the newly constructed house of my other sister at Southpeak. By the Way, its Dirk's 55th birthday today and we're going to have a dinner in the sky tonight with some friends. Celebration with the family will be on Friday.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Eco Friendly Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is a decorated evergreen tree, real or artificial, and a tradition associated with the celebration of Christmas. For us Filipinos its isn't christmas without it. Here in our place there is an eco-friendly christmas tree contest. Yesterday, we did looked at some of the entries displayed at Paseo de Santa Rosa.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lighter Moments

Here are some pictures of me and my family in our lighter and laughter mode.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday at Alabang Town Center

Yesterday, we decided to have dinner at Vivere Suite skylounge restaurant. Since we arrived there earlier, we browsed first around Alabang Town Center and bought our favorite bread at Bread Talk. There's a live band performing that night and a bazaar outside the ATC. We're surprised that Home Depot is open till 8 pm so we also bought some construction materials.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weekend Visitors

Yesterday Florian and his fiancee Lyn visited us to spend the weekend with us. We also invited them to attend the southforves villas homeowners christmas party. While Dirk and Florian are on their biking tour, me and Lyn are doing some window shopping at Paseo.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Bowling with Friends

My arm still hurts from playing bowling the other day at Starmall in Alabang. Its understandable, our last play was last June. It also serves as a bonding moments with our other friends.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Busy Wednesday

Yesterday we have lunch at the newly opened Racks restaurant at Paseo de Santa Rosa. They have the best tasting ribs we've ever tasted. We then drive to Binan to pay our taxes while Dirk is renewing his drivers license.

We also visited my grandson who is confined at Binan Doctors for stomach infection, hope our baby will get well soon.

Carolling in the evening around Southforbes