Friday, November 12, 2010

The Southforbes Ladies

After our yoga or aerobic sessions at 8:30-9:30 in the evening, we usually stay for some meeting or doing our community projects. We seldom do it in the clubhouse but at any friends house willing to serve coffee and midnight snacks. I have lack of sleep but i'm enjoying very much what we're doing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lunch at Tia Maria

Today, we have again craved for mexican foods so we decided to have lunch at Tia Maria at Festival mall. It is known for serving mexican favorites SAMPLER, which comprises: Spareribs , Quesadillas, Mexican Pizza, Spicy Buffalo Wings, Cheese and Jalapeño Flautas, Taquitos and Nachos. It is one of the country's pioneers and leading exponents of this cuisine.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Carolers

After our yoga session last night, we proceeded to Imee's place again for a meeting regarding our christmas activities. We also practiced some christmas song for our caroling next month. It was really fun, its more of laughing than singing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Driving in the Philippines

The thought of driving here in the Philippines really never cross my mind. I'm used to drive in Germany where there are clear road signs and people follow strict traffic rules. Dirk is now very much adjusted in driving here where you need more eyes left, right, front and back. Full concentration is very important considering the agressive nature of the public transport drivers. Always be ready on whatever you encountered on the road, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, tricyles, puschcarts and animals which might unexpectedly pull out in front of you. I only drive inside and outside our subdivision and its enough for now.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Foods and Friends again

Both of us were craving for Lechon Kawali yesterday so we decided to eat at Grace and Rose Restaurant for lunch. In the late afternoon, a good neighbor/friend invited us at their place for an alkaline water presentation. It's a Kangen water that will cleansed the body and can cure of many sickness.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keith@1 month old

Yesterday, my youngest grandson celebrated his first month into this world. Keith Jedrick's visitors includes my relatives and the Mcdonald colleagues of my daughter. They probably have lots of fun while feasting on the foods prepared by my eldest sister (not mcdonalds they have enough of it already)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Family's Halloween Celebration

I was not able to attend the family's trick or treat celebration but i donated loot bags. Halloween celebration is a memory that my family especially my grandchildren treasures because of the yummy treats and the magical/scary costumes they wore. Let the pictures speak for themselves.