Sunday, November 7, 2010

Driving in the Philippines

The thought of driving here in the Philippines really never cross my mind. I'm used to drive in Germany where there are clear road signs and people follow strict traffic rules. Dirk is now very much adjusted in driving here where you need more eyes left, right, front and back. Full concentration is very important considering the agressive nature of the public transport drivers. Always be ready on whatever you encountered on the road, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, tricyles, puschcarts and animals which might unexpectedly pull out in front of you. I only drive inside and outside our subdivision and its enough for now.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Foods and Friends again

Both of us were craving for Lechon Kawali yesterday so we decided to eat at Grace and Rose Restaurant for lunch. In the late afternoon, a good neighbor/friend invited us at their place for an alkaline water presentation. It's a Kangen water that will cleansed the body and can cure of many sickness.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keith@1 month old

Yesterday, my youngest grandson celebrated his first month into this world. Keith Jedrick's visitors includes my relatives and the Mcdonald colleagues of my daughter. They probably have lots of fun while feasting on the foods prepared by my eldest sister (not mcdonalds they have enough of it already)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Family's Halloween Celebration

I was not able to attend the family's trick or treat celebration but i donated loot bags. Halloween celebration is a memory that my family especially my grandchildren treasures because of the yummy treats and the magical/scary costumes they wore. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween- Filipino Style

For us Filipinos, spending the day with our departed family members in the cemeteries is a fun event after of course the prayers, lighting candles, mass offerings and flowers. Its a sort of mini-reunion for families and friends and a chance to have an acquaintance with those people that we see only once a year in the memorial park.

Tables, chairs and tents are set up in front of the grave sites so that the family and their visitors can stay and talk. They bring along laptops, cd players to provide entertainment and board games.

Foods and drinks are also overflowing during this time but if you run out of food stuff, candles and even flowers, vendors are all around the cemetery to provide for your needs. It saves the family members the hassle of bringing these things plus it provides extra income for these vendors. Food stalls of Greenwich, Chowking and many others are already set-up at Everlasting Memorial Park when we visited my mother's grave yesterday.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dinner with Friends

Yesterday, Evelyn and Richard invited us for dinner at their place in Cabuyao. I'm very happy to see them once again and over the sumptuous foods that she prepared, we talked about life's ups and downs. We also planned to play bowling in the coming days.

By the way, SM Santa Rosa started their pre-christmas sale the other day. There are lots of shoppers taking advantage of the big discount on household and gift items. We're there to shop for my dumbells and have a relaxing massage at Lynderm.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dunkin Donuts

Over the years, Dunkin donuts remains to be the favorite take-outs for my children. It has become an enjoyable experience of our everyday life even touching the lives of people from all ages and walks of life. Dunkin donuts was our share during the halloween party for the kids in our subdivision. In a span of minutes, its all gone proved that kids really love the munchkins.

Lunch at Pizza Hut