Saturday, October 23, 2010

Homeowners Assembly

Yesterday, we attended the assembly of homeowners of Southforbes Villas. Its good that the number of attendees doubled than the last time. Its an encouraging indication that an association is going to be formed soon. We discussed matters concering security, projects and some financial aspect. Its a potluck and in-between discussion and foods, we were able to know some of our neighbors.

After the meeting, a free facial for the attendees.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Granny Mode

Being a grandparent is a very special role. It brings an opportunity to do for your grandchildren what you may not have been able to do for your own children. The other day, i was in a granny mode for our baby Mimi(Jamie Antonie), taking care of her and changing her diaper. Time flies really fast, its only last year that i'm cuddling her in my arms and now i'm running after her.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Family

One thing that doesn’t change with time is the love that we have for our children. So today, three of my children and a grandaughter visited us at home. Although some of the family members seems to be busy with their own interests and activities, my children still find time and ways to bond with us. Families today lives hectic lives and family bonding requires an effort.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Philippines- Day One

We're back where our heart is-- HOME. I miss my family so much and hopefully when our body clocks turn to normal, we will be able to visit my other children and grandkids. Our first day here was spent meeting the family members of my friends in Germany. We also shopped for our foods at SM, massage and haircut. We also bought a fitness bike for Dirk.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fog, Foods and Friends

It's very challenging to drive when its foggy, but the foods are enjoyable when you share it with friends.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Foggy Monday

It's very foggy yesterday morning. Pangga has no fog lights but i reached my destination safely, Thank God.

Guessing game
My children did something to our two babies in the family. Wearing the same dress, guess who is a boy and who is the girl????

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Family

Our family is a circle of strength and love…
With every birth and every union the circle grows…
Every joy shared adds more love…
Every crisis faced together
makes the circle grow stronger.

Birthdays in the Family
Argie Neil - September 16
Anthony, my eldest son - September 25

Part of the Family- Our Powerpuff 'Girls' Che2, Chi2 and Cha2