Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Picture

The fountain above is one of the attraction in Fessenbach

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Retirement Haven

The other day, the Philippines was featured in our newspaper, The Acher Rench Zeitung as potential retirement haven/holiday getaway for europeans. Its a one page article about the nice life in our homeland with a pictures of germans enjoying the sand and the sun complete with pampering.

Retirement means relaxing and enjoying life and what better way than in a tropical environment and it depends on you how lavish a lifestyle you wish to enjoy. Our country may well be the best place or an option to spend one's twilight years.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Boxes

Our house looks like a warehouse because of the boxes around. We're sending two more balikbayan boxes to the Philippines and Dirk was able to sell some stuff at Ebay so he's sending it to the winning bidder.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Shoppers

Its very cloudy yesterday and i was surprised that there are many people in the town proper. Maybe because of the summer sale or the students summer vacation already starts. I was there to accompany my friends doing some shopping spree.

The coffee and ice cream shops were also full. The students really enjoyed their first day outside the classroom.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cooking with Marites

Today, Marites cooked for us Adobong Manok for lunch. She cooked it differently and it really taste good. She marinate first the chicken and all the spices in soya sauce before cooking it. Aside from adobong manok, we also feasted on Pansit Molo which her mother cooked.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Early Dinner

Today, Lucy and me decided to have an early dinner at karstadt restaurant. From monday to friday at 4:30 in the afternoon, foods are half the regular price, the same with non-alcohol drinks. We did ordered seelachs fish and spätzle and it really taste good. We're just being practical and in times like this, it pays to save.

We then browsed again the city stores for more sale items. The temperature 17 degrees is good for window shopping unlike the other day it reached almost 39 degrees.

By the way, Dirk's motorcycle now have a new windshield for protection.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Spirit of Friendship

In time of needs, the Filipino "bayanihan" spirit never fails to surface. You can see it everywhere around the world. My friend Agnes, a single parent with two children recently moved to her new home. In the Spirit-centered friendship we find a connection to all that our friend feels and needs thats why we helped her transport some of her house stuff to her new place.