Friday, July 16, 2010

New Look of our "Girls"

Our three shitzu's are now sporting a new haircut after their visit to a professional groomer. They all look now the same and i cannot anymore recognize who is cheche, chacha and chichi.

F's in the City

Flohmarkt (Flea Market)in Offenburg

Friends in the City

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The World Cup 2010

The World Cup in South Africa ended up last sunday and Spain got the title. I'm still happy because Germany won over Uruguay placing them on the third place. Kudos to the german football players and trainers, they really do their best. Spain and Germany have a soft spot in my heart, Spain having colonized our homeland for many many years and its also our favorite golf vacation getaway and Germany, my second home, a country that changed our life. The world cup 2010 is over but i didnt remove my german garland in my car.

Win or lose, i still love Germany

By the way, dirk registered his motorcycle today and now bear the initial of my name A in his plate number. To have a personalized letter, he pays an additional ten euro.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dirk's New Transporter

The price of the gasoline is rising again and in this hard times, it is practical to think of cost-cutting. Dirk played golf everyday and he also swim twice a day. So to save on gasoline, he now use his roller going to and from the golf course and private pool.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Köln Visit

Everytime we're in Köln, the first thing we do is visit the grave of Dirk's father who died 13 years ago.

Dinner at Chinese Restaurant

A glimpse at Mutti's nest

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hot Summer

It's really very hot here and we're experiencing more than 30 degrees centigrade. From the Philippines, to Abu Dhabi and now here in Germany, i would say that the warm weather is now taking its toll on me. Though i dislike it, majority here in Europe are always looking forward to it because of different summer activities. People can just sit back, relax and enjoy the sun.

Even my friends can now wear their summer outfits

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back in Germany

After our seven weeks in the Philippines and almost a week in the United Arab Emirates, we're finally back here in Deutschland. Thanks to the entertainment system of the Etihad Airways, the 6-hour flight is not that boring. I'm also very happy to be back in the blogosphere, its my other world.