Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 3- Emirates Palace

The Emirates Palace Hotel is the 7 star ‘jewel in the crown’ of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It also carries a 7 star price tag for visitors who wish to stay. In fact, the Emirates Palace actually boasts of providing the world’s most expensive tailor made holiday. So, if money is no object, then this is definitely the place to stay. But for us, five star accommodation is just fine, anyway the pre-booked lunch at Emirates Palace is already expensive enough. Join me in showing you the most expensive hotel in the world. Just imagine the tons and tons of gold used in this out of the world creation of man.




The BALLROOM with its golden facade


Abu Dhabi- Day 2

On our second day here (June 24), we don't have any adventure because Dirk got sick. His stomach is somehow kaputt and maybe thats because of the spicy foods and the hot weather here. He consumed 15 immodium tables before it finally stops. The next day, he's back on his feet and even swim at the swimming pool located at the roof deck.

Abu Dhabi Adventure

We left the Philippines last tuesday with a heavy heart and in as much as we want to just sit back and relax, that will not work, we need to work for a living. I really wanted to update my blog but the business center of Crowne Plaza is always full because of the limited number of computer units. Anyway, here are some pictures of our Abu Dhabi sojourn.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Busy Saturday

The drilling company came today to conduct soil and stability test on the lots of our family friends Thomas and Remy here at Southforbes. We monitor the drilling and the workers worked on the lots till 9 in the evening.

We also visited the newly constructed church at Ayala Westgrove heights, our neighboring subdivision.

In the evening, we hosted a get together with our german friends at Rose and Grace Restaurant.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Trip to Animal Doctor

Yesterday, we did go to the veterinary doctor for consultation and immunization of our schitzu named Guyguy/chichi. She developed some form of allergy and its good that our cutie only needs shampoo for her skin disorder.

A funny conversation transpired between me and the doctor.

ME: Doc, its much better if the hair will be remove
DOC: (tiger look on me as if saying grrrr, are you insulting me???) i'm already
bald and i dont need it (very well said doc hahaha)

Then the revenge....

Me: Doc probably our cutie will get hurt with the injection
Doc: No problem, she cannot feel the pain if i will inject it in your arm
(My Gosh, i'm not a german shepherd)