Sunday, May 23, 2010

An Afternoon with the Krause

Yesterday, the Krause family, Ulli, Marianne and Liz came to visit us. They live in the nearby subdivision and we've known them in the social networking. Ulli is the man behind the blog We met them last year and since then we're in contact with them through the internet. We really enjoyed the afternoon with them.

Liz liked very much our shih tzu dog cha-cha.

Swimming at clubhouse pool.

Dinner at Grace and Rose Restaurant. I was not able to eat because of the acid in my stomach. I throwed up three times in the restaurant and non-stop at home. Up to now my stomach is jumping up and down.

They gave us a basket of fruits as a present

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hands Full, Full House

It's supposed to be a grand vacation here, days of rest and relaxation but we as early retirees had our hands full everyday. We have three small dogs to attend to and the never ending house work. Dirk served as our gardener to save on costs and my daughters clean the house. Of course, i also have my share, i do the laundry, ironing and sometimes cooking.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Afternoon Delight

After our southwoods golf club adventure yesterday, we did drive to SM Santa Rosa to buy computer gadgets. We were delighted to watch a lot of people watching Talentadong Pinoy hosted by Ryan Agoncillo. The contestants showed their talents and colorful costumes.

To beat the hot weather, a lot of people stayed in shopping malls because of the aircondition. It's still summer vacation for school kids so they just enjoyed the rides offered at SM.

We met Rosebelle and my eldest sister there buying house and school items. Every school opening is a big burden for most parents whose income is not enough. I encountered the same before when all my children are still in school. Now, i still have two kids who are not yet finished in their schooling.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Hot Weather

It's bad for having a hot weather in the Philippines but Dirk liked it very much because he's sweating a lot when he do some housework. That means he's losing some calories and he's close to his target weight while here in our country.

It's indeed hot that you need to shower twice a day and we need lots of water intake to rehydrate ourselves. Our shih tzu's are no exception, they also shower everyday sometimes twice just to cope up with the warm weather.

well i just hope that this kind of weather will be gone soon and have a cool one when the rainy season starts.

Patience is a Virtue

Last week when we eat at Flavours of China, Dirk's favorite chinese dish was not available so he ordered sweet and sour pork instead. And yesterday we tried again and alas!!! bingo!!!, his chicken dish with peanuts is available.

After filling our stomach, Dirk decided to have a haircut at Ystilo Salon. His hair was washed already and ready for the cut, the hairdresser said wait 5 minutes, then 10 minutes then another 10 minutes. Dirk lose his patience and walked out.

We then drive at Justin Salon at Paseo and Dirk got his haircut in less than 10 minutes. Its his second hairwash but at least there's success on the second try.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dirk, the Gardener

To save on gardening cost, Dirk planted all the plants that we bought yesterday in San Pedro. He's really sweating a lot which is good for his losing weight program.

Below is the orchid plant that i receive as a birthday present from Remy and Thomas Zarn

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Good Life

Being an early retiree evokes thoughts of an easy and fun-filled life. But life is not that easy if you don't have the means to support all the needs here. Our life here is more simpler and relaxed compared to our life in Germany. But retirement in the Philippines can sometimes turn out another way when certain considerations are not taken seriously. The best thing in life are all not free, you need to work for it and most important you need a retirement plan.

We enjoy living here and all the amenities of our country for a fraction of the cost. I liked it very much that i'm near with my children and grandkids and being part of their lives. I have peace of mind here than living thousand miles away. My kids are busy with their own life but i'm just a call and text away.