Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Minka 3

Minka is the family cat of the Deichelbohrer. One time, they were worried because Minka 3 didn't showed up for almost 24 hours. The last years, they also have Minka 1&2, the first Minka died after she fell from higher ground and Minka2 was run over by a car and the family were depressed for days. Of course they dont want Minka 3 to suffer the same fate.

Alas!! Minka 3 showed up the next day not alone but with two male cat companions. Cats also needs friends and nightlife, right????

Here Minka showing one of her talent, drinking milk using both her left and right legs, she is also fond of collecting hair rubber bands.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rose Monday

Rosenmontag (Rose Monday)is the highlight of the German "Karneval" (carnival)in Germany. Celebrations usually include dressing up in fancy costumes, dancing, parades, heavy drinking and general public displays with floats. Every town in the Karneval areas boasts at least one parade with floats making fun of the themes of the day. It is observed mainly in Catholic regions as a season of feasting and fun before the fasting period of Lent.

Children also goes from house to house just like our caroling and the house owner give something in return (chocolates, candies, etc)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

February 14, 2010 marks the start of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. So i'm wishing you all especially my chinese friends and relatives, Kung Hei Fat Choi and a successful & blessed 2010.

Kukuk, the Talking Bird

Many kinds of birds can be taught to imitate human speech. Some are able to remember more words, sing songs and utter several sentences. For thousand of years, parrot birds have been kept as pets because of their nice colors and ability as mimics. Just like yesterday at Carmen's place, she took Kukuk out of her cage because she's immitating the telephone call sound. We thought somebody is calling but its Kukuk who learned some german language and different sounds. Kukuk liked very much my leche plan and even orange juice.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Inequality and Poverty

Poverty is a global issue and it exists everywhere to some degree. Around the world, in rich or poor nations, poverty has always been present. Poverty is the current state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. In most countries today, inequality—the gap between the rich and the poor—is quite high and often widening. The causes are numerous, including a lack of individual responsibility, bad government policy and many others. In the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Carnival Pastry

What i like more during carnival season here in Germany is the Fastnachtschüechli. This seasonal biscuit really tastes good, very crispy and its sprinkled with powdered sugar. It looks like pancake but not soft and its sold in pack of 6.

As Carneval continues there has been much rummaging around stores and store rooms to find the components of ever more fanciful costumes.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life Goes On

The harsh winter weather continued to batter Germany with more snow in the forecast. The winter is not yet over and there was no sign that the condition might change in the coming days. Whatever the temperature is, life goes on everywhere. People from all walks of life still do their activities regardless of plus and minus in weather. Though its very cold, i find myself again in the city. I meet my friends there and do some window shopping.