Friday, November 13, 2009

The Power of Plants

In our new house, to conceal the outside unit of the aircon, we covered it with plants which also serve as our fence at the moment.

We also have thai bamboo to cover us from the neighbor's peep.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Christmas Tree

Here in the Philippines, putting christmas decorations starts during the BER months. So as early as September, some people already starting to decorate their homes. When we arrive here, or house is already decorated with christmas bling blings. My daughters used our old christmas tree from our rented house but all the christmas balls and the red star are from Germany.

That spot of the house is my favorite where i have a small artificial flower garden.

Fine Dining at Home

We don't have internet connection yesterday thats why i was not able to blog. My day is not complete without an entry in my blog world. For the first time, instead of eating in the restaurant, Arthur's girlfriend cooked for us.

She prepared vegetable salad, tenderloin with curry and another pork dish with vegetables. It tastes good but i only eat the pork because i dont eat vegetables.

Also yesterday, three of our balikbayan boxes arrived. You know what is inside, well its dirk's beer dispenser and beers from germany and the two other package contained the roll up door and my sampayan, imported from Germany.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pool Hopping

Yesterday, we showed our guests the other swimming pools in our area. They're already familiar with our villas pool but never been tokyo and bali pools.

The Tokyo Mansion japanese inspired swimming pool

The Bali indonesian pool at Bali Mansions

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dinner at King Bee

Yesterday, Espenia, Arthur's girlfriend from Moscow arrived late afternoon. We know how tired the flight is but still she managed to joined us for dinner at a chinese restaurant nearby.

We're fastfood fanatics but this time its something special and different. We have dimsum as starters and ordered fried ducks and chicken.

The good thing here in Philippines, the price of foods are reasonable and affordable.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Village Rules

Here in our subdivision, there are some rules that needs to be strictly followed. Our landscapers are supposed to start the garden project the other day but due to some paper requirements, they were not able to do so. They need a working permit from me and a gatepass. That's why, they need to finish the landscaping yesterday otherwise the blue grass will turned to yellow and had no use anymore.

Workers are not allowed to enter if they wear shorts and slippers, when working in the site its fine. They should also not smell of liquor and motorbikes are a not allowed. Request letter is needed when working overtime. In general, i like their security protection to homeowners.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Blues

Dirk was too busy installing the toilet and other accessories inside our house. Slowly its getting better and look like a house now, though we still needs lots of furniture. But because of financial constraints, we're concentrating on what is really needed, we need to prioritize things.

Our search for furniture continued today, we found a nice dining table for a reasonable price.

We also window shop for paintings but its the least of our priority right now.

Dirk also chooses some plants for our small garden