Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pool Hopping

Yesterday, we showed our guests the other swimming pools in our area. They're already familiar with our villas pool but never been tokyo and bali pools.

The Tokyo Mansion japanese inspired swimming pool

The Bali indonesian pool at Bali Mansions

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dinner at King Bee

Yesterday, Espenia, Arthur's girlfriend from Moscow arrived late afternoon. We know how tired the flight is but still she managed to joined us for dinner at a chinese restaurant nearby.

We're fastfood fanatics but this time its something special and different. We have dimsum as starters and ordered fried ducks and chicken.

The good thing here in Philippines, the price of foods are reasonable and affordable.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Village Rules

Here in our subdivision, there are some rules that needs to be strictly followed. Our landscapers are supposed to start the garden project the other day but due to some paper requirements, they were not able to do so. They need a working permit from me and a gatepass. That's why, they need to finish the landscaping yesterday otherwise the blue grass will turned to yellow and had no use anymore.

Workers are not allowed to enter if they wear shorts and slippers, when working in the site its fine. They should also not smell of liquor and motorbikes are a not allowed. Request letter is needed when working overtime. In general, i like their security protection to homeowners.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Blues

Dirk was too busy installing the toilet and other accessories inside our house. Slowly its getting better and look like a house now, though we still needs lots of furniture. But because of financial constraints, we're concentrating on what is really needed, we need to prioritize things.

Our search for furniture continued today, we found a nice dining table for a reasonable price.

We also window shop for paintings but its the least of our priority right now.

Dirk also chooses some plants for our small garden

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Body pampering and other services in the Philippines are cheaper compared to Europe. Our last haircut was three months ago during our vacation here. So, one of the first thing we do here is to have a haircut.

Dirk's haircut cost only 80 pesos which is just one euro something with back massage at SM mall fully airconditioned barber shop, in Germany, he pays 16 euro.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back to Homeland

We're again here but not yet for good. We arrived the other day and dirk's best friend joined us this time. The flight was a smooth one but very tiring.

We used the new Gate for Kuwait Airways for the first time.

We need to take a bus going to the plane

Our first stop-over is at Kuwait International Airport

The next stop is Bangkok where Thai cleaners clean up the mess

I'm very glad to see my family, i'm going to see my other children and grandkids soon

The first days were spent unpacking our stuff for our new home

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31 in which the colours black and orange have become associated with the celebrations, perhaps because of the darkness of night and the colour of fire or of pumpkins.

Even in the city shopping center, there's a statue ghost trying to scare the kids. There will be lots of halloween costume parties tonight and there will be trick and treats for the kids.

It is a custom for children on Halloween. Children proceed in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as confectionery, or sometimes money, with the question, “Trick or treat?” The “trick” is an idle threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. This is normally an empty threat, because it is rare that any such trick is ever played (source-wikipedia)