Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thai Bamboo Shoot

When i shopped at Thai store this afternoon, Oratay, the owner is very busy arranging Naw Mai. She said it is a bamboo shoot which is the start of a young bamboo plant that, if not harvested, will grow into a tall bamboo plant.

In Thailand, bamboo shoots are available fresh during the rainy season, May through October. Otherwise, they are available in cans and jars. Though i don't eat bamboo shoots, it's fascinating to learn how it turned yellow and a lot of people like it as salads or curry dishes with chicken, meat and beef.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mama Mary's Birthday

Today, September 8 is the birthday of Mama Mary. It's the feast day for the nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mother. She is the greatest mother on earth to whom i cling on when i am down and she never fails me.

To you Mama Mary, Happy Birthday and thank you very much for all the wonderfull blessings and guidance you have given to me and my family. We love you very much.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Election Watch- Germany

There are lots of mixed opinions from observers of the german economy for its showed signs of the effects of global economic crisis. It also suffer the inevitable shedding of jobs and resort to downsizing to weather the storm. In the coming election, german politicians argue over ways to tackle problems in the labor market, social security and the banking system.

However, Chancellor Merkel said she won't change tack and she will portray a center-right coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats as the safest combination to nurture Germany's recovery from a deep recession. She further states that it is the variant that will bring Germany back out of the crisis fastest, create the most growth and can secure and create the most jobs.


And speaking of watch, this watch is not related to the above post. It's my new Dolce & Gabbana watch that Dirk gave to me as a gift. I really love it. Thanks a lot schatz, i appreciated very much your generosity.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mom's Pride

My eldest daughter finished yesterday her basic management training at McDonalds together with other restaurant and assistant managers.

In the course of their studies, she was considered a dean's lister for her exemplary performance during their training course.

The McDonald Philippines have a continuing education and training programs for the management level to improve its services.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Household Shopping

The other day, we started buying household items for our retirement house in the Philippines. Our first stop is at Roller where we bought 2 clothes hanger and other stuff

Nearby is the cash and carry store of Edeka where we bought some toiletries and cleaning detergents

Our next stop is at Obi where we bought some household tools.

We bought 35 meters of curtain material and table cloth at Afelt in Oberkirch

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Gas of Life

Gasoline is the bloodline that keeps the world moving, and tracking gas prices can feel like a roller coaster ride. Price increases generally occur when the world crude-oil market tightens and lowers inventories. And because of the increase in gasoline price, we converted our car to LPG for the same reason as others: LPG is cheaper.

Look at the price of LPG gas compared to the normal gasoline prices. Our full tank is just more than 20 euro, and with the present economic crisis, whatever we save is a big help for our other household expenses.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dorf Fest with Duck Race

The small village near our place also have a dorf fest last weekend. There's also some food, beer and cake stalls but not as big as the nussbach and nesselried fest.

The highlight of the feast is the annual duck race wherein 1000 yellow plastic ducks
with numbers were thrown into the small river.

On the stage are musicians entertaining the locals.

The weather is nice and the kids enjoyed playing under the bridge