Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Grateful to Our Workers

 As a way of giving thanks to our construction workers, we give them some food stuff to help them while waiting for their next job. Building a house during Covid 19 is no joke considering the stress and the emotional roller coaster that goes with it. But thanks GOD,  HE really guide and help us during our journey.

Thanks also to my Angel car for carrying building materials to the construction site..

On another note, the balikbayan boxes containing canada goodies for sale finally arrived. This is a big help for my children as another source of income.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Dirk's Day Out

 Most of the time my better half just stay in the bedroom watching movies in his Ipad. Yesterday is his first day out after the modified enhanced community quarantine.  We visited the construction site, dine at Shakeys and has his haircut done at Figura Salon.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Happy Grandparents Day

 Last sunday marked the National Grandparents Day honoring them for their unconditional love and sacrifice for their children's children.  It also give them the opportunity to be part of their lives and sometimes spoiling them to the max. As a grandmother, i am a very cool Oma and eventhough we don't see each other more often, they know that i loved them very much. To all the Lolos and Lolas out there, happy Grandparents day!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Mama Mary's Birthday


Today is the nativity of Mama Mary, the greatest Mom on Earth. Thank you very much for taking care and protecting my family always. Mama Mary, please pray for us, heal and help us especially in this time of pandemic. Happy birthday and we love you very much.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Dogs Grooming and More

 Our royal doggies got a new summer haircut and i think they like it when they travel going to the veterinarian clinic for some pampering. Anyway, some of my grandchildren already started their online blended learning. It will take time for them to adjust but its much safer than face to face class. These are all just temporary and hope one day its going to be normal again. Our family also faced a Covid scare because of my daughter in law who is a health worker but got negative results. Thank you Lord for always protecting my family and hope a covid vaccine will be available soon...