Monday, October 28, 2019

Our Doggies Visit

We are also very happy to see our fur babies Chay and King. They had their grooming at the Village Vet and spend the afternoon with us. They seemed not to be familiar anymore with their former residence. I'm really glad that they are well taken cared of by my daughter Arianne.

Bonding with Grandchildren

My grandkids joined the South Forbes halloween celebrations last saturday at the main clubhouse. The committee also provide inflatables, games and snack booths. Anyway, i'm very happy to bond with my grandkids and its the best way to spend their school breaks. They also swim in the clubhouse pool and played with each other.
By the way, our newest addition to the family was born last saturday also. My new geatgrandaughter was nicknamed Chamcham and she is really cute...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Grandkids

Time flies very fast and my grandchildren from my eldest son are now grown ups. They are at present in our family home in San Pedro visiting the family because of the school break. Anyway their cousins missed them so much and they take advantage of their get together.
By the way, i also missed my grandson Kitkit and my ward Aiden in Canada. Though they are stubborn and naughty at times with their playmates .... but kids are kids...

The Royal Family

Our pet Chay with doggies King, Queen and Prince are all grown up with grandoggies on the sides. The royal doggies are very lucky to have a loving and supportive owners. And they reciprocate it with their loyalty and sweet nature.

My House Cleaner

Dirk don't like the idea of having a househelp in the house but stay out helper are most welcome. But with the new technology nowadays, i decided to just have a robot cleaner to help me clean the house. Its not perfect but it helps a lot.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Birthdays and Achievements

Its a late post because of our internet connection problem but better late than never. Anyway, my grandchildren Dap and Kitkit share the same birthdate and had celebrations with families. Kitkit has a swimming party while Daph has lunchout with friends and family. I am also a proud granny with the recent achievements of Mimi and Jarred for their first place in the science quiz bee in their school.