Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Achievers

I am a proud Oma again for the achievement of my grandchildren. As usual Mimi, Leila and Lyka received honors, awards and recognitions for their academics and extra curricular activities. Thanks first and foremost to our LORD Jesus Christ for taking care of my grandkids and two thumbs up for my children for guiding and supporting their kids to become an achievers every year.
My other grandaughter Daphne also received honors for her academic performance...

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Its Officially Summer

The school year not yet ended but the summer weather already started. My grandchildren had their way of beating the heat instead of going to the beach. They dipped in their plastic pool with water and it seems they enjoyed it a lot.

Monday, March 11, 2019


For the past weeks our two doggies suffered stomach upset which lead us to their Veterinary Doctors. They were prescribed antibiotics and deworming tablet, so far they are now doing great and returned to their normal routine. Its really hard if someone in the family including us and our pets got sick. Thanked God HE is always there to heal and guide us.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Family Bonding

Our trip to Terrazas and Peninsula de Punta Fuego is really a memorable one for my family. I was able to bond with my sisters and nephew with his family. My imported grandaughters, twins Laura/Sophia and Hannah were really adorable. They also enjoyed their overnight stay with us while i enjoy the company of my sisters.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Pictures of the Week

How time flies very fast, my mini me Lyka is now a young lady....
Astrid on her 4th year in Qatar
my grandson Lucky on his Prom night
my family, my life