Thursday, July 26, 2018

Our Future Engineer

My grandson Jarred wanted to be an engineer someday thats why that is his outfit for the day during their career guidance week...

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dogs, Cars and Apps

We missed our doggies so much but we are happy to know that they are doing good and already adjusted to their new environment. Kingking tamed a little bit and knows every person in the house. Chay is still the same probably she knows well my kids and its her first home. Because of the weather condition, they both shared a small doggy room to keep them warm. Just like our two cars which has cover as protection from heat and rain. With us thousand miles apart from my family, we regularly chat and its more fun, thanks to the iphone applications.
By the way, i started eating dark chocolates which i think has some health benefits...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Pampering Day

Dirk and my grandson Kim pampered themselves today at a nearby barber shop and salon. Compared to Philippines, it more pricey here but the service is good.

Farmers Market

Every wednesday is farmers day here in Airdrie wherein local folks sells their produce from the farm and other products. The vegetables are fresh and organic thats why its really a hit to the people living around here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A Lazy Weekend

After our US trip and the shopping here in Airdrie, we deserved a much needed chilling in Starbucks and watchng movies at home with my grandkiddos ...

Friday, July 6, 2018

US Vacation 2018

Its been a while since my last post and now i'm back sharing with you our Nevada and California trip. Its my second time in Las Vegas but first time in Hollywood. Last year, i was in Chicago for the Lions Convention and together with Dirk, we explored the San Francisco Area. Anyway, we visited a lot of attractions in Vegas, also joined the Lions international parade, toured around hollywood, beverly hills and the famous universal studios in Hollywood.It was a memorable experience, family bonding, meeting new friends and exploring famous attractions which i only saw in magazines. I thanked GOD for all these wonderful opportunities and very grateful to my daughter for making this trip possible and also to the Salvador couple and Uncle Juanito of Albert for touring us around.