Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Proud Grandma

I am really very happy that most of my grandchildren received honors and recognitions for this schoolyear. Two thumbs up for my children who sacrificed a lot and guided their kids to be a better persons. Education is very important and having talented grandkids is something that we can be proud of. Congratulations to Mimi who for the past 3 years is a consistent with highest honor recipient. She also received other awards and to Lucky, Lyka. Leila, Jarred and Hailey, congratulations too !!! Special thanks to my OFW daughters Rose Belle and Lhed for being supportive to their nephews and nieces...

Friday, March 23, 2018

Jarred's Graduation

Our Ponpon is beamed with pride during his graduation and recognition in his Day care school. My daugher's sacrifice paid off because of his awards but i think our little supremo is indeed a bright boy.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Kids Rewards

The schoolyear ends and its time for rewarding the kids courtesy of their Tita Lhed. Mimi and Jarred will received their medals soon for giving their best in class. They can also now use the gadgets but with time limits.

Pictures of the Day

Take a look of ChaKing tandem in their favorite spots in our house .....

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Myra's Birthday Celebrations

My youngest sister Myra celebrated her birthday today. She treated us for a sumptuous lunch at shakeys southwoods. My wish for her is good health and may the Lord continue to give her more blessings and happiness !!!

Sunday Pictures

Psssst... please don't disturb our babies are sleeping

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Astrid's Journey as an OFW

Working abroad has become the ultimate dream of most filipinos but being an OFW is not that easy. My daughter Astrid who works in Qatar is not an exception. I know her journey and as a mother i am with her all the way. I know she endured the pain of being away from the family and i felt the emotional roller coaster ride to where she is now. I am proud of her and i know she is a fighter. Time flies very fast and she is now on her third year working away from home. Thank you Lord for giving her strength and for keeping them safe everyday.