Saturday, October 29, 2016

Remembering our Loved Ones

In two days is All Saints Day and this is the day we remember our departed loved ones. For me, i always visit the grave of my mother in advance after doing our yearly outreach at Mary Mother of Mercy Home for the Elderly and Abandoned which is located nearby. Everyday i pray the rosary for them and i know they are also guiding us from afar.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

School Break

My grandchildren are very happy because of their school break. I'm proud of my daughter for sacrificing her career just to be with her two children in their formative years. She is very good in instilling discipline and see to it that balance is applied between play and study.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Toys R Us Private Sale

Yesterday the Toys R Us store in Nuvali solenad had a 6-hour private sale exclusively for BPI cardholders and with Robinsons Rewards cards. As early as 10 in the morning, customers are already lining up the store. I bought some toys for my grandkids and there are really items that are marked down, a real treat for practical shoppers.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Royal Doggies

My royal puppies are now little cuties. Time flies so fast that King, Queen and Prince are now 9 months old and well loved by their new family.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dirk's New Haircut

Finally, i was able to convince Dirk to have a haircut and shaved his moustache/beard ....

Kitkit's Birthday Celebrations in Canada

The youngest son of my daughter Rosebelle turned 6 today. It was his first birthday celebrations in Canada and i'm very happy that my grandsons are already adjusted in their new environment. It was a surprise party for Kitkit but it turned out that my daughter was the one who was surprised because Kitkit suffered bruises in his right face when he fell out of balance after alighting in a school bus.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Birthday Celebrations

My eldest son has his birthday celebrations while we were in Guam vacationing for a few days. He turned 36 and my birthday wishes for him is good health and more patience. My daughter in law Pau, her sister Mary Elliz and my grandaughter Daph also has a joint birthday celebration yesterday. I wish all of them the best of everything and may the Lord bless them always in everything they do.
By the way, my son Anthony and his wife Heidy joined their first ever 21 kilometer run at the Mall of Asia ground. I am happy for both of them and hopefully this marathon bonding will strengthened their relationship.