Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hailey's 4th Birthday

My beautiful grandaughter celebrated her 4th birthday in Cabanatuan city. Though we're hundreds kilometers apart, my son and his wife always share any achievements/birthdays/activities through the social media.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Finding Kingking

Thanked God i found king when he was able to get out of our kitchen door. I didnt notice that he is not inside the house until the postman came and delivered a letter. I heard a bark in the street and it seems familiar. Voila, its King, he probably just outside the house waiting for somebody to noticed him. Now he's back playing hide and seek with his mother.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Our prince was tested positive for parvovirus, a contagious viral illness that affects dog. Its good that Prince sickness was detected earlier but still he was monitored in the veterinaly clinic for two days.

Lions Recognition

I am very happy that the Calamba Host Lions club recognized my participation in some of the events. With the immediate past president Lion Marvie Robles, i would say that she is one of the best during her term as Lions President. By the way our new President is Atty. Geranndie Agonos and he is good as well because he was able to recruit 14 new members to our club.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Oh my King

For the past days King is getting destructive, destroying our house decorations and biting the furnitures. Probably he is in a stage where he is curious of things around him, biting what he find interesting using his teeth.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

King at Fault

Our kingshitzu is becoming destructive biting and destroying what he finds inside the house. His behavior is still normal for his age and hopefully it will be over soon.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Our gardener gave us bananas fresh from his backyard .... probably just returning the gesture because we are also generous to him.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lazy Sunday

Look at Janine, Dirk's daughter and our two furrymates spend their sunday afternoon ....

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Astrid's Friends

Yesterday while browsing around the stores of ayala malls solenad, i saw some of my daughter's high school friends. I'm glad that their friendship continue despite the distance among them....

Monday, July 4, 2016


We're very happy that Queen, one of the royal babies of Chays goes to a dog loving family. She is just barely a weeks with the Cruz family but Aleth's mom and other family member already has a strong bond with her. Queen seems to be enjoying the attention, the love, concern and caring touch of her new family.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Astrid with Family and Friends

My daughter's vacation is almost over and she was able to bond with family and friends, a nice memory that she will bring in Qatar to continue working as OFW. I can relate to her because i was once a foreign worker as well. I have done that to give my family a bright future and i know my daughter is also doing that to help us and her sibling. Salute to those overseas workers who worked hard for the family..