Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Mother's Care

Taking care of puppies is not that easy, its good that Chay is always there to comfort and cleaned her pups ....

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Pups@Seven Weeks

I would say that as if i'm back to square one taking care of babies. I am a hands on "mom" on feeding them even waking up at in the wee hours of the morning preparing their little doggy foods with milk formula. But i am happy to what i am doing, these cute puppies is our joy and stress reliever.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Chay and Puppies Vet Visit

Its good that we have a veterinary clinic named Village Vet near the main entrance of our subdivision. It is easy for me to bring my babies and their mom. The cuties had their deworming while Chay was groomed and her tartar from her teeth was removed. She is also not feeling well because of her swollen gums and diarrhea. The cuties are now eating solid foods because chays milk is not enough.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Babies at Six Weeks

Chay's puppies turned 6 weeks old today and since her milk is not anymore enough, i now feed them with milk formula.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Aldub Valentine Card

Because i'm a twitter follower of Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza popularly known as Aldub, i received a personalized message from them on the day of the hearts ....

Friday, February 12, 2016

My Valentines Message

Happy Valentines Day everyone, to my family, relatives and friends. Share the love and lets make everyday a day of love, hapiness, forgiveness and compassion. And the most important thing, we should give the best love to our Lord Almighty and be an instrument of goodness to others.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cuties at Five Weeks

Look how adorable my babies are... they are now five weeks old and though their mom is suffering from post partum whatsoever, they loved and play with chay ...