Monday, September 28, 2015

Jaimee, our Quiz Bee Princess

My grandaughter Jaimee Antonie topped again the science quiz for Grade I students. We are very proud again of her achievements thats why a small reward from her mom makes her happy and achieve more.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Astrid and Her Friends in Qatar

Life of an overseas worker is not that easy, you have to deal with homesickness and the everyday stress at work. Luckily for my daughter and her friends, they seem to find ways to balance work and friendships.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Happy Dirk

I'm glad that there are mobile watch phones that has internet and serve as phone as well. With this latest technology i can now be able to reach Dirk especially when we're at shopping malls and other places. Because of his severe stroke three years ago, its hard for him to use a cellphone and this new gadget solve the problem.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Argie

Argie Neil, my eldest grandson celebrated his 15th birthday at their place in cabanatuan. Though we live hundred of kilometers apart, i know that he received all his warm greetings from family and friends. Happy birthday apo and wishing you happiness and hope that all your dreams come true.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The German Restaurant

We're happy that there are many restaurants here in our area serving pinoy, asian and western dishes. Dirk liked very much the german restaurant 2.0 located at laguna central near shopwise. We sometimes eat there when we crave for german foods.

Our Thirdy

My youngest grandson is barely a month old but he is sooo cute. He is now the apple of the eyes of the family.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Astrid as OFW in Qatar

I know how my daughter felt to be an overseas pinoy workers because i am one of them. In order to provide a good future for my kids, i have to endure the hardships and sacrifice. The only difference is that i am a single mom during those times and my daughter Astrid is single. Eventhough unattached, she is generous and she always thinks of us, her nephews and nieces here. Family comes first for her but of course she also has time for herself and her friends. Before i am the one buying & sending stuffs and now its her turn. I am really very happy because she is now living her own dreams.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Quarterly Recognition

i'm very happy that some of my grandkids excelled in their class three months after the school opened. They are somehow motivated to improve further and hopefully they will continue their achievements till next year.