Monday, March 31, 2014

Earth Hour and Tree Planting

The southforbes homeowners and kids joined the earth hour and tree planting activity last march 29. Iconic landmarks and other cities here and abroad went dark for one hour to showcase their commitment to protecting the planet for this year’s Earth Hour. The SFV theme for the tree planting activity is seeds today...fruits tomorrow and will surely benefits the kids of tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fresh Flowers

Flowers livens and brightens up our day. Last month i started putting fresh flowers on our dining table and somehow it gives a nice feeling. Dirk liked it very much and it boost his spirit seeing those lovely creatures from mother nature.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Southforbes Restaurant

We are lucky to have one restaurant cum grocery in our subdivision. Its a great help because when we ran out of something like condiments and if we are lazy to cook, they are just one text away.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Peter's 4-day Visit

Peter and dirk are colleague before at Markant in Germany. They are best of friends and know each other for decades. He did visited us for 4 days and Dirk was very happy to bond with him again. Its so sad that his visit ends today and we saw him off at the airport. Hopefeully his plan to visit again in two years will push through.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Summer Getaway

Its getting hot everyday, an indication that summer is officially here. We just came back from a day trip at Peninsula de Punta Fuego where our close friends has a vacation house. Dirk loved the beach so much and he has so much fun. We were with our family friend Peter who came here to visit Dirk.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Peter's Visit

Peter is one of Dirk's closest friend and he is here for a 5-day visit. Dirk is very happy to see him and enjoy each other's company. We toured him around southforbes and the golf club.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cakes and Balloons

My youngest sister Myra celebrated her 50th birthday today. In every party, i'm always excited on how the venue is decorated, the cakes and the give aways. I'm very proud to say that my daughter Arianne made the balloon decors and shows her creativity side. Anyway, family members exerted all their efforts to make the birthday a memorable one.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Food Trip

We just had a food marathon today starting at pizza hut, the puto bumbong prepared by Evelyn and dinner at Uncle Cheffy in Nuvali. Please see the mouth-watering dishes below.