Monday, September 30, 2013


We call our small dog different names, cha-cha, chay, chararat or charing and she is very much used to it. Dirk loved her very much and he is very happy playing with her. Chay also loved kids and last night i caught her watching a television program for children.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Toilet Talks

Our friend celebrated his birthday in one of the luxury buffet restaurant in Manila and when i go to their toilet, i was surprised that there are some mini vesions for kids. I find it good and practical for small children.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekend Visitors

While Odette, the super typhoon is strongly hitting affected areas including our place, my two sisters and a cousin still visited us at home. No amount of strong winds and rains did stop them from visiting Dirk and bring some presents. We're a closely knit family and we always find time to meet and bond.

SFV Ladies@ Starbucks

Last night we finalize the details of our very first Annual Family fun run at Southforbes. Over coffee, tea, frafucchino and cakes, we talked about individual assignments, programs and other matters. We're doing this to establish unity and camaraderie among community members and friends.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Fitness

Its already our third session for our all in one fitness aero/dance/zumba/yoga and i felt healthier and lighter. More sessions to come and hopefully i will reach my target normal weight.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Committee Meeting

Last night i attended a committee meeting at Gutierrez residence in preparation for the forthcoming Southforbes Family Fun Run on the 29th of this month. We talked about the rules, prizes and other matters concerning the sport event.

Dirk's Dentist

Dirk always took care of his teeth by visiting the dentist regularly. Doc Susan as i fondly call her is very kind to us and has a big heart. She understand my husband's situation that she sometimes do home service.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Busy Weekend

Its indeed a productive weekend starting from a shopping trip to SM Santa Rosa with friends to take advantage of the two-day SALE. We bought some stuff for the house and i'm starting to shop for christmas presents for family members and friends. My kids and grandkids also came to our house for some bonding moments and my two sisters together with our family friends also came over and have dinner with them.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Techno Kids

Kids nowadays are very much different, gone are the days that they play with their toys, dolls and others. Children become homebody because of the new technologies like computers, pc tablets, cellphones, etc. My own grandkids are no excemption and at an early age, they are already showing interests on the modern gadgets. There are advantages and disadvantages on this, but modern day kids has to go with the flow.