Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tomatoes of Joy

Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable?? Though there are lot of facts that put them in the fruit category but it is also a food that we commonly think of and use as vegetable. Whatever it is, this super food are a rich source of several nutrients and Dirk likes it very much. The other day, i invaded again Joy's garden and harvested some of her red tomatoes. So summer or winter, raw or cooked, anytime is a good time for this versatile fruityvegetable.

By the way, i also spend some bonding/eating time with my close friends last week

Monday, August 22, 2011

Life Updates

For the past weeks, i have some health problems that needs medical attention. I have some backpain and my ring finger hurts so much and its bended. The doctor said that i have problem with veins on my finger and the first alternative is an injection. If the injection dont works, the last resort is an operation which i dont like. I cried in pain because they used a big needle injection and my hand numbed for hours and its hard for me to drive back home. Now its getting better and hopefully the pain will not return.

While waiting for my name to be called in the doctors office, my attention was caught by the medical helicopter about to transport a patient to another hospital.

With regards to my backpain, injection is also an alternative but i choose a pain reliever instead and a 5 times massage.

In the meantime below is our temporary house

We also met potential house exchange friends-
Location- Achern

Location- Lautenbach

Attended Gina's 40th birthday and Vanessa as well

Visited Nussbach sunflower festival and the rainy Nesselried brennt

And of course, for the last weeks i also have some bonding moments with my friends and eating repeatedly my favorite kartoffel suppe, schnitzel with pommes and heisse waffle with vanilla ice cream. Every monday, we ate at our favorite chinese restaurant for lunch and two weeks ago, an early dinner at Karstadt with Lucy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Internet Problem

We still have problem with our internet connection thats why there's no update on this blog. Next week there will be new posts on Cool Mom and My A&B lifestyle blogs.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Its Harvest Time

The best part about growing fruit trees and shrubs is of course harvesting the fruit. We don't have a garden but my bestfriend supplied us with different fruits from her Garden of Joy.